Validation of Effectivity of UV Light in Water System

Ultraviolet water purification is the most effective method for disinfecting bacteria from the water. Ultraviolet (UV) rays penetrate harmful pathogens and destroy illness-causing microorganisms by attacking their genetic core (DNA). This is extremely efficient in eliminating their ability to reproduce. 

Disinfecting water with Ultraviolet light is exceptionally simple, effective, and environmentally safe. UV systems destroy 99.99% of harmful microorganisms without adding chemicals or changing water’s taste or odor. UV water purification is usually used with other forms of filtration such as reverse osmosis systems or carbon block filters.

UV Purification > Chemical Disinfectant
UV systems are an effective means of water disinfection. UV systems are highly recommended who may suspect any E.coli, cryptosporidium, giardia or any other types of bacteria and viruses in the water. Another means to kill bacteria or viruses in water would be by adding chemical disinfectants. However, it is not advised to use chlorine or other chemicals to disinfect water, because of the toxic by-products they create. It is important to avoid drinking any water that is potentially contaminated by bacteria to protect yourself from any water-borne bacterial diseases.

Ultraviolet Purification Advantages
  • Chemical Free: UV purification does not use any chemicals like chlorine or leave any harmful by-products.
  • Taste & Odor Free: UV does not add any chemical taste or odor to the water.
  • Extremely Effective: One of the most effective ways to kill disease-causing microbes is by destroying 99.99%.
  • Requires very little energy: Uses about the same energy as it would to run a 60-watt light bulb.
  • Low Maintenance: Set and forget the type of system, just change the UV bulb annually.

Limitations in UV Water Systems
  • Ultraviolet purification itself is not enough to purify water down to drinking water purposes. This is because UV radiation is only effective for treating bacteria and viruses. UV light does not work to eliminate contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals and VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds). UV systems are often paired with Reverse Osmosis Systems to provide a complete purification process for the safest drinking water.

UV light is a natural process and does not produce harmful chemicals in water. Simply connect at point of entry and plugin in the electricity. It’s a safe, effective and environmentally friendly disinfection method that is widely used for residential and industrial applications around the world.

How effective is UV water treatment?
UV water purifiers are very effective at removing microbiological contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, protozoans, viruses, and cysts. Ultraviolet (UV) Water Purification is a proven technology that uses UV light to kill 99.99% of harmful microorganisms in water.

Validation of Effectivity of UV Light
  • Validation of effectiveness in the water systems is very important because it helps to produce water for the manufacturing of pharmaceutical drugs.
  • UV radiation is an important component when it comes to the control of microbial contamination. To ensure the efficiency of UV light in purified water is kept at optimum, most of the time, validation of the effective working of UV light in pharmaceutical water systems needs to be carried out.
  • The major aim in doing this validation is to demonstrate that when the UV light purification process is being operated under the ideal and set conditions, it produces water that is high in purity and also has a high degree of assurance.
  • According to FDA - Food and Drug Administration, validation can be defined as established and documented evidence that provides a high assurance degree that a specific process under investigation produces a product that meets predetermined quality characteristics and specifications consistently.
  • In pharmaceutical industries, the quality of water is very important and a major concern. The reason being water is an ingredient that is used in almost all the operations that are carried out in this industry. Having pure water ensures that the equipment is not spoiled and the product being produced remains pure.
  • For UV light to be effective, the absorbed UV light must be enough to kill all the microorganisms. UV light kills micro-organisms by preventing reproduction and also disrupting the DNA after it goes through the cell.
  • In determining the effectiveness of the UV light, test ports are utilized. This is carried out by obtaining water samples and assessing whether the organisms reduction expected from the UV instruments being used is achieved. Microbiological analyses before and after the water have undergone UV light treatments are the center of this validation.
  • UV devices that are used in most cases are never absolute in the reduction of the micro-organisms present. They only help in making a contribution to the reduction of micro-organisms by 1, 2, or 3 logs. Sometimes, the reduction is achieved up to a level that is close to 100 CFU/ml.
  • To make sure that the UV light water purification method is highly effective, maintenance is something that cannot be ignored. Maintenance will entail periodic replacements of UV lamps or when it is indicated by the online intensity meters available.
  • In most cases, manufacturers suggest that the UV lamps be replaced every 8000 to 9000 working hours. This an approximately one year. This is not an ideal thing to do because the quartz sleeves available in most lamps may absorb some of the ultraviolet radiation from the lamps and hence accumulate impurities in the raw water. Examples of these impurities include rouge and other fine particles. Therefore it is ideal to replace the lamps every six months. Ballasts that provide power to UV lamps should also be replaced every 2 to 3 years.
  • Calibration of UV intensity meters should be periodically performed. This calibration involves adjusting of 100% transmission value each and every time the sleeves and lamps are replaced.
  • In general, the validation of the effectiveness of UV light involves the following: determining how effective the UV light is by carrying out tests and then taking action to improve and maintain the functionality at optimum operation.

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