Temperature Mapping Protocol

Table of Contents
  1. Protocol preparation, review and approval
  2. Identification of team members
  3. Definitions and Acronyms
  4. Scope
  5. Objective
  6. Rationale
  7. Applicability
  8. Responsibility
  9. Documentation
  10. Temperature & humidity distribution verification report
  11. Warehouse Description
  12. Change history

Protocol Approval




Signature /Date

Prepared By




Reviewed By




Approved By




Identification of the Execution Team
In order to identify the persons who have participated in the execution of this temperature & humidity distribution verification, a specimen of their signature and initial is shown below, beside their name and designation.





























Definitions and Acronyms
In order to facilitate the comprehension of terms and acronyms used in this document, a brief technical definition is shown below.



Change Parts

Parts to fit different size / format or application.


Any discrepancy between the protocol and the actual performed test, test function methodology etc.



A device that interprets a mechanical, digital or analog signal generated by a sensor, and converts it into engineering units (°C, % RH etc.) through scaling.

Key Operating Parameters

Parameters that must be maintained to process or produce products with consistent quality attributes and those that may have an impact on the proper operation of the equipment.

Main Equipment

Major equipment to be qualified.

Data logger

An electronic device that records data overtime or in relation to location either with a built-in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and sensors


Documented testing that demonstrates with high a degree of assurance that a specific process will meet its pre-determined acceptance criteria.


Good Manufacturing Practices


Relative Humidity




Not Applicable


National Institute of Standards and Technology


Code of Federal Regulations


Preventive Maintenance


Quality Assurance


Quality Control


Serial number

The temperature & humidity distribution verification protocol is a comprehensive document, which will be used to guide the executants, in the verification of the temperature & humidity distribution inside the warehouse.

Study type

Temperature and Humidity Mapping study

Asset Type



Warehouse-Raw Material area

Temperature range to be mapped

Low limit 15°C

High limit 30°C

Humidity range to be mapped

NMT 65%

Duration of testing

7 days

Date of Testing


The purpose of this Mapping Study is to:
  • Temperature mapping study to analyze distribution of temperature inside the whole area.
  • Humidity mapping study to analyze distribution of humidity inside the whole area.
  • Briefly describe the equipment, its major components and their roles.
  • Ensure that appropriate identification and documentation are in place.
  • Ensure that the physical characteristics are compatible with planned equipment utilization.
  • Ensure that appropriate operation procedures and training program are in place.
  • Hot and Cold points of the Warehouse will be identified.
  • This mapping study will be carried out for summer season.
  • Number of data loggers are determined based on the volume of the Warehouse and as per relevant WHO Standards.

The study of the temperature & humidity distribution inside the Warehouse is the establishment of documented evidence of the temperature & humidity distribution.

The protocol is designed to allow analysis of temperature & humidity distribution inside the warehouse. Temperature & humidity distribution will be analyzed as follows:

Warehouse temperature & humidity distribution verification - Summer 2023.
  1. Temperature & humidity distribution of Warehouse under loaded condition

  • The temperature & humidity distribution verification must be conducted by trained and experienced technical personnel and must be documented in a scientific manner using this established format.
  • The study is meant to be representative and to be close to the real use of the warehouse. The temperature & humidity distribution study is to be executed during normal working condition and data loggers will be placed in different identified locations in the warehouse.
  • iButton Temperature & humidity Data Loggers will be used to measure and record temperature & humidity. Each data logger has been calibrated and calibration certificates included in the reports will be attached to the report.
  • Cold chain thermodynamics software will be used to program data loggers, to download data and to generate reports which are compliant to PIC/S GMP Annex 11 and 21 CFR Part 11 requirements.
  • The temperature & humidity distribution verification documented in this protocol only covers Warehouse-Raw Material area.

All personnel, when performing the Temperature & humidity Distribution Verification, shall follow this Temperature & humidity Distribution Verification protocol.

This Warehouse temperature & humidity distribution verification protocol must be respected by all employees during processing.
The responsibility of the Warehouse temperature & humidity distribution verification is attributed to the following:


Quality Assurance


Make available all technical documentation required for the mapping of the warehouse.



Collect information.



Write the protocol.



Review and approve the protocol.



Coordinate activity.



Execute the test described in the protocol.



Compile and analyze data.



Issue the final report.



Review and approve the final report.



1. Manual Entries In Protocol
  • All manual entries will be written in indelible blue ink.
  • Any error must be crossed out with a single line stroke, and the correct information must be entered below or above the error.
  • All corrections must be initiated and dated.

2. Data Sheets
Information will be directly recorded in the Section «Test Data Sheet» of this protocol. Here is a brief description of each section:




Schema, tables, raw data, summary tables.


Discussion of any unusual observations during the test or significant test conditions not defined in the test procedure.

Tested by

Signature and corresponding date for the person performing the test.

Verified by

Signature and corresponding date for the person verifying the test data.

Temperature & Humidity Distribution Verification Report
The temperature & humidity distribution verification report will be written following the execution of the protocol and will include the sections listed below.




Description of the objectives of the Warehouse temperature & humidity distribution verification.


Compilation of results obtained


Summary and discussion of the results of the execution of this protocol.


General conclusion of the temperature & humidity distribution verification inside the warehouse.

Warehouse Description
The Warehouse is designed to keep the products at a temperature between 15°C and 30°C and humidity is Less than or equal to ( ≤ 65%).

Change History

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