Method of Analysis for Aluminium Tagger Foil

A plain/printed, circular piece of aluminium foil.

Measure the diameter of ten taggers individually, and determine the average.
Limit: ± 2 mm of the specified diameter.

Thickness of Aluminium
Limit: ± 0.005 mm of the specified thickness.

Take a piece of aluminium tagger foil and cut a perfectly square piece of 5 x 5 cm or based on the specimen and weigh. Calculate the GSM


Limit: ± 8% of the specified grammage.

Thickness of Aluminium Tagger Foil
Dip the piece of aluminium tagger foil already taken for a grammage in boiled carbon tetrachloride or toluene and remove the poly coat carefully, and weigh i.e W2 gm.

Determine the thickness of the aluminium tagger foil using the formula.


NOTE: 2. 71 is the density of aluminium tagger foil

Limit: ± 0.005 mm of the specified thickness

Cleanliness Check
Check the cleanliness of Five Taggets individually. The test passes if the taggers are free from dirty, mutilated, tom or stained and pin holes.

NOTE: The product Code / Item Code number of the material shall be checked from the Artwork through the purchase order of the Client.

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