Problems occur while Operation of Blister Packaging Machine

What is a blister packaging machine?
  • The roll-plate blister packaging machine is developed based on roll-type and flat-plate blister packaging machines, that is, the flat-plate molding device is used for blow molding (positive pressure molding), and a roll-type sealing device is used for sealing. The working principle is basically the same as the above two.
  • The blister packaging machine can be distinguished according to forming and hot-pressing sealing methods. Forming is divided into drum type and flat type. The effect of flat positive pressure forming is better than that of roller vacuum forming. 
  • The heat sealing is also divided into drum type and flat plate type. The heat sealing effect is better than that of the roller type. The speed and reliability of roller-type heat sealing are better. It is better than flat-plate hot-pressing.

The blister packaging machine is divided into the overall structure and working principle. The current blister packaging machine can be generally divided into three series: 
  1. Roller blister packaging machine 
  2. Roller plate blister packaging machine, medium and low-speed models, High-speed models; 
  3. Flat-type blister packaging machine.

Working Principle:

Roller Blister Packaging Machine:
  • The PVC film is heated and softened by a heating device, and the blister is sucked out by vacuum negative pressure on the roller forming die roll. The filling device fills the packaged material into the blister and then passes the roller type The heat sealing device seals the cover film coated with an adhesive on one surface at a suitable temperature and pressure on the surface of the blister material and seals the packaged material in the blister.
  • Then, the batch number is printed on the typing and embossing device and the broken line is pressed out, and the punching device is punched into a certain size product plate.

Flat Blister Packaging Machine:
  • The PVC film is heated and softened by a flat heating device, the softened film is blown into a blister using compressed air in a flat molding device, and the filling device fills the packaged material into the blister. 
  • Then it is sent to the flat-plate sealing device, and the cover film and the formed film are sealed under the appropriate temperature and pressure, and then the batch number is printed and the brake line is printed out by the typing and embossing device Plate.

According to production experience, it is found that blister packaging machines are prone to problems in blister molding, hot pressing, and sealing in use. 

The following briefly describes how to solve these problems.

Blister Forming
  • According to the blister forming method, the PVC film (hard piece) is heated and then passed through a mold and compressed into air or vacuum into a blister of a desired shape and size. Therefore, when the formed blister has a problem, it is necessary to proceed from the following aspects. solve:
  1. Whether the PVC film (hard piece) is a qualified product;
  2. Whether the temperature of the heating device is too high or too low;
  3. Whether the surface of the heating device adheres to PVC;
  4. Whether the forming mold is qualified, whether the forming hole is smooth, and whether the air hole is smooth;
  5. Whether the cooling system of the forming mold is working properly and effectively;
  6. Whether the vacuum degree and exhaust rate of the drum type negative pressure forming can reach the normal value, and whether the pipeline has abnormal loss;
  7. Whether the compressed air of the flat positive pressure forming is clean and dry, whether the pressure and flow rate can reach the normal value, and whether the pipeline has abnormal loss;
  8. Whether the flat positive pressure forming mold clamps the PVC belt in parallel and whether there is air leakage.

Hot Press Sealing
  • In the hot-press sealing process of the drum-type aluminum-plastic blister package, the PVC tape and the aluminum foil are hot-pressed by the mutually parallel roller-shaped heat sealing roller and the anilox roller under the action of a certain temperature and pressure. Sealed. The contact between the heat seal roll and the anilox roll is a linear contact and the required pressure is relatively small.
  • In the hot-press sealing process of the flat aluminum-plastic blister package, the PVC tape and the aluminum foil are heat-sealed by the flat-plate heat-sealing plate and the anilox plate which are parallel to each other under the action of a certain temperature and pressure. Combined. The contact between the heat seal plate and the anilox plate is in a planar contact, and the required pressure is relatively large.
  • Whether it is a drum-type or a flat-type hot-press seal, when there are problems such as unsealed heat-sealed netting, different shades of the net, and heat-closing PVC belt running position causing foaming, etc., it is necessary to solve the following aspects:
  1. Whether the aluminum foil is a qualified product, and whether the heat sealing surface is coated with a hot melt that meets the requirements;
  2. Whether the temperature of the heating device is too high or too low;
  3. Whether the operation of PVC belt or aluminum foil has abnormal resistance;
  4. Whether the heat-sealing mold is qualified, whether the surface is smooth and smooth, and whether the blister formed on the PVC belt can be smoothly inserted into the hole of the heat-sealing roller (plate);
  5. Whether the texture on the anilox roller (plate) is clear, the depth is consistent;
  6. Whether the cooling system of the heat-sealed mold is working properly and effectively;
  7. Whether the pressure required for heat sealing is normal;
  8. Are the heat seal roller (plate) and the anilox roller (plate) parallel?

Automatic Monitoring Device Protection System
  • Some state-of-the-art aluminum-plastic blister packaging machines are equipped with various automatic monitoring devices that can provide various protection functions and automatically stop the machine when the following problems are found:
  1. The safety shield is open;
  2. Insufficient compressed air pressure;
  3. The heating temperature is not enough;
  4. PVC film or aluminum foil is used up;
  5. The packaged medicines are used up;
  6. Some stations are mechanically overloaded;
  7. The circuit is overloaded.
  • The machine will not be able to start running until the following issues are resolved:
  1. The safety shield is not completely closed;
  2. Insufficient compressed air pressure;
  3. The heating temperature is not enough;
  4. Lack of PVC or aluminum foil film;
  5. Overload or other faults have not been eliminated;
  6. The function button is set incorrectly, and the emergency stop key is not reset.
In addition to the above-mentioned problems, other problems may be encountered in the actual use of the blister packaging machine, and a specific analysis of specific problems is required. A careful and careful search for the cause of the problem is the key to eliminating and solving the problem.

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