Method of Analysis for Silica Gel Bags

Blue crystals of self-indicating silica gel are packed in a tissue paper bag.

Uniformity and Average Net Content
Weigh the contents of ten silica gel bags individually and calculate the average net content.
Limit: 800 to 1200mg

Water Absorbing Capacity
Take ten silica gel bags, remove the contents, and mix about one gram of silica gel in a Petri dish and weigh i.e. W1 gm (sample+ Petri dish). Add water drop by drop till the color changes from blue to off-white and weigh. i.e. W2 gm (sample + Petri dish after adding water)


Limit: 270.0 to 330.0mg/gm

Cleanliness Check
Check the cleanliness of five silica gel bags. The test passes if the silica gel bags are free from dirty and foreign particles.

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