Method of Analysis for Vitamin A Palmitate (Liquid Form)

Yellow or brownish–yellow, Oily Liquid.

Practically insoluble in water, soluble or partly soluble in anhydrous Ethanol, and miscible with an organic solvent.

  1. Examine by absorption Spectophotometry comparing with the spectrum obtained with Vitamin A CRS. Examine the substance prepared as discs.
  2. Prepare a solution in dehydrated alcohol containing 10 mg of A Palmitate in 10 ml. Add 2 ml of nitric acid and mix and heat at about 75°C for 15 min, a bright red or orange color develops.

Dissolved 0.15 gm/75000 IU is sufficient absolute Ethanol to produce 100ml. Filtered take 2 ml solution & make 100 ml with the same solvent.
Measure the absorbance at 326 nm.

% Vitamin A IU/gm =     Abs. of sample × Dilution Factor × 1900     
                                                       100 × Wt. of Sample

1900= Converted the specific absorbance into International Unites per gm.

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